Premium Leather
Made for You

Find luxury in our best genuine leather and microfiber products for your favorite car seats.


Established since 2000, BLAKLEDER GROUP has experience in providing high quality and guaranteed genuine leather and microfiber leather for the needs of the automotive industry.

With quality control that is adapted to international standards, BLAKLEDER has received a warm welcome and confirmed its position as the market leader in the Automotive Genuine & Microfiber Leather category.

Not only are Indonesian seatmakers chosen, materials from Blakleder & Articoleder are also trusted by sofa craftsmen.


To make it easier for our customers, the Articoleder application is now available which provides various leather products, the latest news about us, product categories and also an online shopping system. Make sure you read the FAQ below before you download our application via the link in the image below.


articoleder app

Articoleder is an application that provides various leather products with complete features, such as news, product categories and an online shopping system.

Yes, the Articoleder application can be downloaded and used for free. However, product purchases are made on a paid basis.

Currently the Articoleder application can be downloaded on the Google Play Store and soon it will also be downloadable on the Apple App Store.

Click the Register button, fill in the requested data, then follow the instructions given.

Click Forgot Password, enter your email, and follow the steps to reset your password.

Main features include:

● News List: Latest information about products.

● All Products: Complete product selection with category filters.

● Add to Cart and Checkout: Easy and fast shopping.

● Transactions: Order history and details.

● Member Card: Increase your membership level.

● Wallet Menu: Monitor cashback balance.

Member Level shows your membership status based on the number of transactions. The Level icon will appear on your profile.

Use the Search or Filter by Category feature in the All Products menu.

Use the Search or Filter by Category feature in the All Products menu.

After checkout, select Payment Method, then follow the instructions to upload proof of payment.

This is the estimated cashback you will get after the transaction is completed.

You can filter orders based on status in the Transactions menu.

Yes, you can use the Delete Cart feature to delete unwanted items.

Articoleder takes user privacy seriously. Further information can be found in the Privacy Policy menu.

Contact the customer support team via whatsapp number master for the account deletion process.

Double check your email and password, if the problem still exist, try the forgot password feature.

This issue being fixed, ensure your app is updated to latest version.

Make sure your internet connection is stable, if the problem persists, please contact our support team.

You can contact whatsapp number available in the app.

Use about application menu to send feedback or suggestion.




Jl. Sunter Kemayoran No. 53
Sunter Jaya, Tanjung Priok
Jakarta Utara, Jakarta 14350


+62 21 650 5894


© 2023  PT Ambassador Prima Lestari. All Rights Reserved.

pt ambassador prima lestari

Jl. Sunter Raya Kemayoran No. 53

Jakarta 14350 Indonesia

T. +6221 6505 894